
We don't need your money. Musicians do.

Your donation supports our concerts and educational programming.  It allows us to pay fair performance fees and help with travel costs for touring groups.  It keeps the piano in tune.

A committed team of volunteers make BuckingJam Palace run so that your donation can directly benefit musicians.  We don’t have silver, gold and platinum donation tiers. A $10 donation from one person can represent a more significant sacrifice that a $1000 donation from another and we want to honour that. So thank you for giving what works for you and your family!

Supporting us is simple

The BJP Music Foundation is a registered Canadian charity (#746812874RR0001). You will receive a tax receipt for your donation. Your donation will pay musicians, provide scholarship funds to emerging artists, fund educational programming and keep the piano tuned, our insurance in place and our backline maintained!
We are proud that the BJP brand represents advocacy, integrity and creative innovation. If those values align with a company with which you work, talk to us about corporate partnership.
Website jazzed up by  
Saskatoon Web Design by Becker Design and Media
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